Monday, 12 January 2015

"AFOSEC 2K15 Teaser"

It's tym for "AFOSEC 2K15"

"AFOSEC 2K15" is not much ahead,we are almost near to it,So folks all of you make yourself ready to showcase your talent.There are many kind of Events for you to participate and win,like the
"SPOT PHOTOGRAPHY","RIFLE SHOOTING" etc.There are also events to Entertain you like the "DANZEN NITE","LASER LIGHT NIGHTS" and much more.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Aspirations2020 Programming Contest

Aspirations2020 is a platform for students of engineering colleges to prepare themselves to become smart professionals. This contest under Aspirations2020 will encourage the spirit of competitiveness and accelerate learning through extra curricular activities, within the student community.
This is being conducted by the INFOSYS team.
Aspirations2020 Programming Contest

Today is the last date for registration. 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Infinito - 2014

Infinito is a technical and cultural fest by Department of CSE to give a grand welcome for the juniors,conducted by seniors.

Open this link for more details.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

C-language Lab programs week 7,8,9 full

Click this for week 7
Week 9 programs
week 9(with string handling functions)

Note :In the Week 9's second program,you should write the program with and without string handling functions.In the above link you have only programs without string handling functions,so please click the second link to see the programs with string handling functions.

Click this for week 8

Click this for week 9

Sunday, 29 June 2014

C-language lab programs(week 8)

Click this for 8th week lab programs
Pics and Presentation credits :Sravani Ramisetty
8th week lab programs

Note:13th line and 14th line steps are missing in the 1st program
         they are
         printf("Enter an element to be searched");
         please correct them.

Note:Its not official.So if you find any mistakes in it,please bring it to my notice,so that i can correct them.

Mathematics Assignment 2 questions